Differences between a ham (hind leg) and the shoulder (front leg)

Which is the main difference between hams and shoulders?

The main difference between hams and shoulders are the part of the pig they came from. Hams come from the hind leg, while shoulders come from the front leg.

Ham pieces are bigger and more heavy than shoulders. Consequently, slices from hams are bigger and it has more capacity of use. Ham’s weight should be from 7kg while those of shoulders goes from 4.5kg.

As shoulders have more fat, the proportion of scraps will be higher. While ham’s scraps are around 50% of the piece, those of shoulders are around 60% of the piece.

How long have those piece been cured?

Curying time in hams may vary among 15 and 48 months, while in shoulders this may very among 12 and 36 months.