What does Designation of Origin really means?

what designation origin do means

The Designations of Origin vary depending on the certified product and the area of origin of the product. These certifications are given by different public regulation organisms and recognised by the organisms like the European Union, among others. The aim of the Designation of Origin is to guarantee as much quality as possible.

Which are the Designations of Origin of Spanish iberian bellota and serrano hams?

There are 4 Designations of Origin of iberian bellota hams and 1 Designation of Origin of Serrano Hams. The Designations of Origin of Iberian bellota hams and shoulders are Jabugo, Guijuelo, Dehesa de Extremadura and Los Pedroches. They are placed in Huelva, Salamanca, Extremadura and Córdoba respectively. The Designation of Origin of serrano ham is D.O. Jamón de Teruel. There are more products in Spain with this certification of quality, like manchego cheeses and many red and white wines.